If you have been researching the painting contractors in your area, you might be confused on why they advertise that they are capable of both residential and commercial painting. Aren’t the same steps involved for both types of projects? Not necessarily. The painting industry makes the distinction between residential and commercial for several reasons, some of which are listed below.

  1. Number of Workers

    Larger spaces require more workers to make sure the job is completely on time. A commercial painting company will take on painting projects for apartment buildings, restaurants, and other commercial spaces. Since commercial painting companies employ a large number of painters, they are more able to work within your schedule.

    residential painting company will have a small number of employees because they don’t need as many people to complete projects. There’s no need to send in a whole team of painters if the homeowner only needs a couple of bedrooms repainted. Since residential painting projects are smaller, they usually take less time to complete than commercial interior painting.

  1. Amount of Paint

    Large commercial spaces require a lot of paint. This is why painting contractors might use different equipment for commercial paint jobs. It also stands to reason that more painting means the project will take more time. Larger spaces will cost more to paint because of the costs of labor and the paint itself. However, both residential and commercial painters should offer fair estimates based on the surface area and unique challenges presented by the space.

  1. Experience

    commercial painter typically has more experience than a residential painter. Any beginner DIYer could repaint their bedroom. However, it takes a skilled commercial painting contractor who has the experience and endurance to paint an entire warehouse with a team of people. We recommend business owners look for companies with experience in painting interior commercial spaces.

    Residential painters have experience communicating with homeowners and are knowledgeable in ways to protect your furniture and other valuables during painting. This experience makes them uniquely qualified to work in your home.

  1. Schedule Availability

    Commercial painters are more likely to work with your schedule, which might mean pulling all-nighters or working weekends. Many businesses appreciate not having painting interfere with their hours of operation. Residential painters, on the other hand, typically work within regular business hours Monday through Friday.

  1. Range of Services

    A company that strictly does residential interior painting won’t be able to offer you the same range of services available through commercial painting contractors. Most commercial painters are able to offer epoxy flooring installation, sandblasting, faux finishing, and electrostatic painting services in addition to interior painting.

    If you are remodeling your place of business, it only makes sense to get it all done at once. This is why many business owners take advantage of more than one service.

If you are thinking about rejuvenating the look of your home or business, contact the Grand Rapids painters at New Look Painting for a free estimate or call us directly at 616.532.3300.